Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year starting out right

Kyler got a hair cut!
This is the most recent pic I have before I cut his hair. He's playing in the hats and gloves box if you were wondering

I know I should have taken one right before I cut it but it slipped my mind

Kyler is potty training!!!!!
This is his potty/sticker chart and his potty treats (jelly beans)

This is his reward for going poop in the potty. A lightning mcqeen car. He LOVES it!!!
So far he's went pee 22 times and poop 2 in 2 1/2 days! We are so proud of him! He has had no accidents today (knock on wood), and one accident yesterday (he felt safe with underware on I guess) and a couple small accidents on Monday. This was our only chance to potty train before I start school again, and I wanted it to be done and over with before the baby comes. I was originally planning on doing it over spring break but that won't work out now because we are planning on going on a trip. Hope this continues to go well. Pray for us :)

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